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How to Start and Stick to a Workout and Fitness Routine

Do you want to get in shape, improve your health, and feel more confident? Do you have a fitness goal in mind, but don’t know how to achieve it? Do you struggle to find the motivation and discipline to exercise regularly?

“What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow.”

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this blog post is for you. In this step-by-step guide, I will show you how to start and stick to a workout routine that works for you. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or just be more fit, you can do it with the right plan, tools, and mindset.

But before we get into the details, let’s first understand why working out is so important for your well-being. Here are some of the benefits of exercising regularly:

  • It improves your physical health, by strengthening your muscles, bones, joints, heart, lungs, and immune system.

  • It enhances your mental health, by reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and improving your mood, memory, and focus.

  • It boosts your self-esteem, by making you look better, feel better, and perform better in your personal and professional life.

  • It increases your energy, by improving your blood circulation, oxygen delivery, and metabolism.

  • It prevents diseases, by lowering your risk of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.

As you can see, working out is not only good for your body, but also for your mind and soul. It can help you live longer, happier, and healthier. But how do you start and stick to a workout routine that suits your needs, preferences, and goals? Here are the steps you need to follow:

Define Your Fitness Goal

The first step to start and stick to a workout routine is to define your fitness goal. What do you want to achieve by working out? How do you want to look, feel, and perform? How do you want to measure your progress and success?

Your fitness goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This means that you should state exactly what you want to accomplish, how you will track your results, how realistic and attainable your goal is, how it relates to your overall well-being, and when you expect to reach it.

For example, a good fitness goal could be: “I want to lose 10 pounds of body fat and gain 5 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks, by following a balanced diet and a strength training program, and measuring my body weight, body fat percentage, and muscle mass every week.”

A bad fitness goal could be: “I want to be more fit and healthy, by doing some exercise and eating better, and seeing how I feel.”

Choose Your Fitness Type

The second step to start and stick to a workout routine is to choose your workout type. What kind of exercise do you want to do? How often and how long do you want to do it? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each workout type?

There are many types of workouts you can choose from, depending on your fitness goal, fitness level, availability, and preference. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Cardiovascular training: This is any type of exercise that increases your heart rate and makes you breathe faster, such as running, cycling, swimming, jumping rope, etc. Cardiovascular training is great for improving your endurance, burning calories, and strengthening your heart and lungs. However, it can also be boring, repetitive, and stressful on your joints and muscles.

  • Strength training: This is any type of exercise that challenges your muscles with resistance, such as lifting weights, doing bodyweight exercises, using resistance bands, etc. Strength training is great for building muscle, increasing your metabolism, and enhancing your posture and balance. However, it can also be intimidating, complex, and risky if done incorrectly or excessively.

  • Flexibility training: This is any type of exercise that improves your range of motion and mobility, such as stretching, yoga, pilates, etc. Flexibility training is great for preventing injuries, relieving tension, and relaxing your mind and body. However, it can also be tedious, time-consuming, and ineffective if done improperly or infrequently.

You can choose one or more of these workout types, depending on your fitness goal, fitness level, availability, and preference. For example, if your fitness goal is to lose weight, you might want to do a combination of cardiovascular and strength training, to burn fat and build muscle. If your fitness goal is to improve your flexibility, you might want to do some flexibility training, to loosen up your muscles and joints.

boy exercising for health and fitness

Create Your Fitness Plan

The third step to start and stick to a workout routine is to create your workout plan. How do you design a workout plan that works for you? What are the components and principles of a good workout plan?

A workout plan is a detailed and structured schedule of your workouts, that tells you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. A good workout plan should include the following components:

  • Frequency: This is how often you work out, or how many times per week you exercise. The optimal frequency depends on your fitness goal, fitness level, workout type, and recovery time. Generally, you should aim for at least 3 times per week, and no more than 6 times per week, to avoid overtraining and undertraining.

  • Intensity: This is how hard you work out, or how much effort you put into your exercise. The optimal intensity depends on your fitness goal, fitness level, workout type, and duration. Generally, you should aim for a moderate to high intensity, or a level that makes you sweat, breathe hard, and feel challenged, but not exhausted or in pain.

  • Duration: This is how long you work out, or how much time you spend on your exercise. The optimal duration depends on your fitness goal, fitness level, workout type, and intensity. Generally, you should aim for at least 20 minutes per session, and no more than 60 minutes per session, to avoid boredom and burnout.

  • Mode: This is what you do during your workout, or what kind of exercises you perform. The optimal mode depends on your fitness goal, fitness level, workout type, and equipment. Generally, you should aim for a variety of exercises, that target different muscle groups, and that suit your preferences and abilities.

Prepare Your Fitness Gear

The fourth step to start and stick to a workout routine is to prepare your workout gear. What do you need to have and wear for your workouts? How do you choose the right workout gear for your needs and budget?

Your workout gear is the equipment and clothing that you use and wear for your workouts. Having the right workout gear can make your workouts more comfortable, safe, and effective. Here are some of the essential workout gear items you should have and wear for your workouts:

  • Shoes: You should have a pair of shoes that are designed for your workout type, that fit your feet well, and that provide adequate support, cushioning, and traction. For example, if you do a lot of running, you should have running shoes that are lightweight, breathable, and flexible. If you do a lot of strength training, you should have training shoes that are stable, durable, and flat.

  • Clothes: You should wear clothes that are appropriate for your workout type, that fit your body well, and that allow you to move freely, breathe easily, and stay cool and dry. For example, if you do a lot of cardio, you should wear clothes that are lightweight, breathable, and moisture-wicking. If you do a lot of strength training, you should wear clothes that are stretchy, durable, and supportive.

  • Accessories: You should have some accessories that can enhance your workout performance, comfort, and safety, such as headphones, water bottle, towel, mat, gloves, etc. For example, if you listen to music while working out, you should have headphones that are wireless, noise-canceling, and sweat-resistant. If you do a lot of floor exercises, you should have a mat that is thick, cushioned, and non-slip.

  • Equipment: You should have some equipment that can provide resistance, challenge, and variety to your workouts, such as dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, balls, etc. For example, if you want to do strength training at home, you should have some dumbbells that are adjustable, versatile, and easy to store. If you want to do core exercises, you should have a stability ball that is inflatable, durable, and fun to use.

To prepare your workout gear, you can use online tools, such as [Amazon] or [Walmart], that offer a wide range of workout gear items for different fitness goals, levels, and budgets. You can also visit a local sports store, a fitness center, or a friend who has experience with working out, to get some advice and recommendations on what workout gear to buy and use.


You’ve just learned how to start and stick to a workout routine that works for you. By following these five steps, you can create a fitness goal, choose a workout type, design a workout plan, prepare your workout gear, and find your workout space.

But remember, starting and sticking to a workout routine is not easy. It requires commitment, discipline, and perseverance. You will face challenges, obstacles, and setbacks along the way. You will have days when you don’t feel like working out, when you don’t see results, or when you lose motivation.

Don’t let these things stop you from achieving your fitness goal. Instead, use them as opportunities to learn, grow, and improve. Celebrate your small wins, reward yourself for your efforts, and seek support from others who share your vision.

And most importantly, have fun, enjoy the process, and be proud of yourself. You are doing something amazing for your health, fitness, and happiness. You are becoming a better version of yourself. You are unstoppable.

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